Advanced Alternative Medicine Center

Success Stories

Success Stories
by Dr. Richard Huntoon

Read Success Stories by Dr. Richard Huntoon to learn more about Advanced Alternative Medicine Center and our Chiropractic office in Building 400, Pooler Park, Pooler, GA.

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“My name is Anne Duignan and I would like to share with you my success at Dr. Huntoon’s Office. I had a friend who was coming to Dr. Huntoon and she would mention from time to time that I should give it a try. I began thinking about it, especially since there were things I wanted to change about my health. I came to see Dr. Huntoon on March 25, 2003, and my whole life changed.

Growing up I had always suffered from anxiety, allergies, asthma and back problems. Anxiety was probably the biggest obsacle I had to overcome, mainly because I was ashamed of it. In 1999, I was having about 5-6 panic attacks a day suffering with a bout of depression and severe anxiety. I was placed on the medication Mirtazapine. At the time, this medication did what it needed to get rid of the depression but I still had problems with anxiety. Every time that I wanted to begin the process of getting off the medication, my anxiety kicked back in and it would keep me from going forward.

I always knew that I didn’t need or want to be on medication for that long of a time period. It was affecting my life too much. I was always tired because what i was taking was a sedative. Even after sleeping 10 hours a night, I would still be dragging during the day. The most frustrating part of being on the medication was that I had gained 50 pounds and could never lose more then 5 – 10 pounds of that. I had always been an active person all year round. I mountain biked in the spring/summer/fall and in the winter i skied and raced 4 times a week. Nothing was working though as long as I was on the medication.

Finally one day I decided to give Dr. Huntoon a call. I remember the day pretty well. Jean answered the phone and asked why I was coming. I mentioned that I had back problems. Of course I was going to say that, I was going to a chiropractor. Isn’t that what he takes care of? She then asked me what else, and I told her. I was still at the point where I had a tough time discussing the fact that I was on medication for anxiety. There is such a negative connotation associated with people who suffer from the dreadful ANXIETY and I had trouble dealing with that.

I went for my first visit and I explained to Dr. Huntoon the whole issue surrounding my anxiety. I wanted to get off the medication because I wanted to get on with my life, but I was scared to do so. At this point I was still under the care of a psychiatrist because he had to regulate the medication. I began weening off the Mirtazapine in June of 2003. Every two months the dose was decreased 7.5 mg until I finally went off it December 2003.

During this time, Dr. Huntoon assessed that I could not process carbohydrates properly and my metabolism was pretty much non-existent. Another interesting point was that he stated my asthma was actually emotional asthma. Someone with anxiety having emotional asthma. What a concept! Through my visits with Dr. Huntoon and making healthy lifestyle changes at his suggestion, I have lost 46 pounds in one year! I am much healthier! I have stopped using my inhaler and just feel better all around. By cutting out the carbohydrates I have actually become less anxious. The funniest part about dealing with the Psychiatrist was that he had a tough time undertstanding why stopping the medication was working at this particular time. I did my best to explain to him whatwas going on in my life, but he didn’t understand. At my last appointment with him, he wanted to know what I was going to do if i experienced another anxiety attack? I told him I would deal with it when it occurred.

Even after I discontinued the medication, I still had to deal with what has always been in my life, anxiety. A few months after I had stopped the medication, I began to read whatever I could about anxiety and why it occurs. I wanted to take a positive and healthy approach to this. Since millions of people suffer from this disorder, I wanted to know how I could change it for me. I purchased a program which helped me deal with anxiety and it has helped tremendously. I learned that it is a negative way of thinking and you have to teach your brain to think a new way. Although I still have bouts of anxiety, I can handle it much better now. Along with learning about my anxiety, Dr. Huntoon used a technique to help me called Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET). I can not say enough about it. My experience with NET was so powerful that I highly recommend it to everyone. It really makes so much sense.

In conclusion to this testimonial, I just wanted to say that as long as you have a goal and you can invision it, results will occur. The most important part for me is trying to stay positive and to be patient. I knew the process was going to take a while, but I also knew that if I believed it was going to occur, it would. What a difference a year makes! Thank You Dr. Huntoon for giving me back my health.”

Anne Duignan, Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY

“My name is Jennifer K. Cannizzaro and I’d like to share with you my success at Dr. Huntoon’s office. I came to see Dr. Huntoon in February 2003. I had been suffering with depression, headaches, lack of energy and enthusiasm, weight gain, low metabolism, heartburn, poor digestion, my hormones were out of wack, cholesterol levels increased and I had allergies. All of these health concerns had gotten progressively worse over the past 4 years. In an effort to get rid of these problems I saw two General Practitioners and my OBGYN. I was prescribed Paxil for depression, Triphasil for my hormones and told to take Exedrin for my headaches and Zyrtec for my allergies. Every aspect of my life was affected. I was chronically cranky and feeling ill. I didn’t care about doing my hobbies. It was all I could do to get out of bed and go to work. I resented my family for the demands they placed on me.

After two months of treatment with Dr. Huntoon I started feeling improvement with my depression, energy and hormone levels and a huge improvement in stress, headaches and migraines. Around that time I decided to stop taking ALL my medications other than the vitamins that were suggested by Dr. Huntoon. After seven months I had enough energy and enthusiasm to join Weight Watchers and Curves. Over the entire year I improved my eating habits and I’m trying to use as many organic products as possible. Things continue to improve…allergies, heartburn and metabolism. Today I have lost 20 lbs. and I’m still losing. The quality of my life has greatly improved. I feel good when I wake up and I’m able to accomplish what I need to do with energy and enthusiasm. I don’t feel as overwhelmed by life as I used to.

Improvement over the last year has been phenomenal. Dr. Huntoon not only provided Holistic Health Care but gave gentle suggestions for things necessary to improve my overall quality of life. What a difference a year makes!! Thank You Dr. Huntoon!”

Jennifer K. Cannizzaro, Pooler, NY

For Faster Results

“My name is Lisa Warren and I’d like to share with you my success at Dr. Huntoon’s office. I came to see Dr. Huntoon on January 17, 2004 suffering with severe migraines for fifteen (15) years. I saw many different doctors, everyone from my primary care physician to a neurologist. I suffered with these migraines for so many years that I just tried to deal with them as best I could, putting my life on hold. I am proud to say that by February 15, 2004 I noticed I had been headache free since my first visit. It has been two months and still NO HEADACHES!!! I found Dr. Huntoon’s approach to be kind, sincere, educational and most of all, compassionate. His knowledge and wantingness to help people is a combination that I have yet to find in a wellness physician. Thank You Dr. Huntoon!”

Lisa Warren, Pooler, NY

“After having back surgery in December of 1999, I had a constant pull and pain on my right side and upper pelvis area during the next 4 years. I was having problems walking, turning, rolling over in bed, each which caused me pain. I had been to different doctors and was sent for x-rays and other different tests and they could not find the problem. Dr. Huntoon checked my body and determined I was deficient in some specific nutrients. He recommended some Whole Food Nutritional Supplements which I began taking, and within 2 weeks the pain is gone. I feel much better. I can walk, turn over in bed and not feel the pull or pain. For those who are skeptical, try it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!”

Ruth Reid, Poughkeepsie, NY

“Just wanted to say…Thank You! I finally found a doctor who cares. Thank you for your individual attention. You helped my jaw in one appointment more then anyone has helped me in seven years.”

Thanks Again,

Kimberly Patenaude

“I came to see Dr. Huntoon in February of 2000 after suffering with migraine headaches and burning between my shoulder baldes for the past year. I had seen my Physician, Emergency-room doctors and a Neurologist and was prescribed 5 differnt medications. None of these helped me. Everything was at a standstill. I couldn’t function for at least 2 to 3 days out of every week. After work, I would go home and get into bed and be bedridden. At first I was a skeptic about what Dr. Huntoon could do for me. After my first visit with him, my headaches went away and he started me on the road to good health. I have no choice but to believe based on my results. I am free of my headaches and my medication too. Thank You Dr. Huntoon.”

Alecia Tracy

“I came to see Dr. Huntoon because all my life I had been suffering with asthma and allergies. I had seen several different medical doctors, an allergist, a pulmonary specialist, and a homeopath. I also went for acupuncture. The only they could offer me was medication or needles. My life did not seem normal. I had to avoid strenuous sports and activities. I was very limited with the things I could do. Chiropractic treatments have made a difference, but the largest quality of life improvement has been with the allergy elimination treatments. In the last 6 months I am able to breathe, my sinuses are clear and I’m sleeping better. It’s incredible. I have never felt better!”

Chuck Mac Gill, Cold Spring

“I came to see Dr. Huntoon on November 15, 1999. For approximately 2 months, just prior to and during meals, I had been suffering with severe heartburn. I did not seek medical advice from anyone, but was treating myself with a prepackaged, over-the-counter medicine. My heartburn did not go away. The discumfort was annoying to say the least. Dr. Huntoon adjusted me once and I had immediate relief. Imagine that! After only one treatment. With one simple adjustment and a natural dietary supplement, I feel well again. Thank You Dr. Huntoon.”

Art Terwilliger, Pooler

For Your Health,

Dr. Richard Huntoon

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Advanced Alternative Medicine Center
138 Canal Street, Suite 404
Pooler, GA 31322

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Advanced Alternative Medicine Center