Advanced Alternative Medicine Center

Strategies To Prevent and Treat the Flu

Strategies To Prevent and Treat the Flu
by Dr. Richard Huntoon

Read Strategies To Prevent and Treat the Flu by Dr. Richard Huntoon to learn more about Advanced Alternative Medicine Center and our Chiropractic office in Building 400, Pooler Park, Pooler, GA.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 845-561-2225.

The following are the recommendations published by the National Vaccine Information Center organization which I felt would be useful for all of you who read this newsletter.  For information about this organization, go to and read up on this worthy organization.

As the Flu season seems to be upon us (although it is earlier this year than previous years), it is important to pay attention to the following recommendations before the Flu Season hits.

  1. Wash your hands frequently.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. Eat a healthy diet.
  5. Consider herbal and homeopathic remedies for prevention and treatment.
  6. Consider adding Chiropractic or Osteopathic care to your wellness plan
  7. .Get adequate sleep.
  8. Lower stress.

Natural Immune Solutions: They Build Your Immunity From The Inside Out

Available through the office are Natural Immune and Flu fighters, which include Calcium Lactate and Cataplex C for strengthening the Immune System Response by supporting the cells that fight off infection.  Calcium Lactate is important to take because it makes sure your system does not have any holes in it allowing viruses or other “bugs” to get into your system.  So having sufficient amounts of Calcium Lactate in your diet allows for you to resist infection.  Cataplex C is the whole vitamin C Complex (Cataplex C) designed to stimulate the Immune Cells which fight off infection.  It is the food for these Immune Fighting Cells and allows them to be strong to eat up any pathogen that gets into the body that could cause infection.  These two should always be taken together to support a strong Immune response.  Also being understood is the critical role of vitamin D.  The Vitamin D Complex works to help support ideal Immune Response in the body in conjunction with Calcium and Vitamin C.  These three supplements Calcium Lactate, Cataplex C and Cataplex D are a must for anyone who chooses to build their Immunity in a natural way, promoting strong immunity.

Also available are Immuplex for Immune System support to combat viruses, Thymex to build strong Immune Cells and we also carry a homeopathic product called FluImmune, designed for the prevention of the Flu as well as treatment for the Flu.  Since the Flu season is now here, if you want to support your Immune System before getting the Flu, consider stopping into the office and receiving an Immune Boosting treatment, and/or picking up some nutritional and/or homeopathic support.  Why wait until you get the Flu, as it is better to strengthen your body so you won’t have to get it.  Consider the supplements mentioned above.

But What About The Flu Vaccine?

Appreciate that the Flu Vaccine, Swine Flu or otherwise, does not prevent the flu, nor does it stop the spread of the flu.  It simply lessens the length of time one has the flu by about 6 to 18 hours out of a 6 day period of time.  So it will not stop you from getting the flu like many believe.  This is important to understand.  Please share this information with anyone you know and care about.  Flu Vaccines will not stop the flu from affecting you, it will simply lessen the length of time you suffer from it by 6 to 18 hours.  Does the potential for side effects from injecting a pathogen into the body to help develop immunity, while potentially creating a lifetime of neurologic symptoms like those found in Guillian-Barre Syndrome make sense? (Click on the blue link for information)  Please be smart and know you have been forwarned.

What does the manufacturer say about the Flu Vaccine?

Click on the following link to get the information directly from the “horse’s mouth.”  I think you’ll be surprised.  What Does The Manufacturer say?  Also consider going to Flu Vaccine Exposed for more information about the effectiveness of the flu vaccine.  Very educational! STRONGLY CONSIDER THIS INFORMATION BEFORE TAKING THE SHOT!!

I Am Here To Help

Please know that my purpose in life is to help people better understand their health and their health choices.  If you ever have a question about your health or a health related question, please call me at (845)561-BACK or 561-2225. It is my pleasure to assist you to better health.

For Your Health,

Dr. Richard Huntoon

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138 Canal Street, Suite 404
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Advanced Alternative Medicine Center