Posts Tagged ‘chiropractic Pooler’
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We look forward to serving you! Call - 845-561-2225.
Understanding and Treating Scoliosis in Pooler

Flashback from the eighties - a girl wearing a full back brace for scoliosis and trying to get a sip of water from a drinking fountain. At the time it was painfully funny and not so far fetched. Unfortunately the event was even more real for the 5 to 7 million people in the United ...
Healthy Joints and You

"Ahh it is just my age." How many times have you used that excuse recently?
If you have found yourself saying that or promising that you will start working out and stretching soon, listen up and get ready to start limbering up for "if we do not use it we will lose it."
Understanding Joint Flexibility
Some people ...
The Root of Pins and Needles

Ouch! Being pinched hurts, but to pinch a nerve? Ugh! That must feel like severe, intense pain – and it often does. “Pinched” nerves could happen anywhere in your spine; they can affect nerves that go to your arms, fingers, wrist, neck, back, shoulder, head, legs, muscles and internal organs, and can affect your general ...
Forever Young
Most of us like to think of ourselves as young: young in heart at least, if not actually young in years. But is it possible to stay “forever young” in terms of health and wellness? Of course, probably no one would want to remain forever young in terms of life experience. Our experiences give us character and contribute to our growth and development as persons.
As we get older, though, gaining skills and possibly wisdom, is it really necessary to suffer physical breakdowns along the way? Holding on to youthful bloom may not be feasible in all aspects, but there are a few critical tips and tricks to retain much of that glow and vigor as we get older. We may not, in reality, stay forever young, but we sure can give meaning to the notions that “50 is the new 30” and “60 is the new 40”. Here are two key tips. They may seem obvious, but the power is in actually implementing these tips consistently over time.
Tip #1: Eat less. Each person has his or her own caloric balancing point beyond which extra food will be retained as fat. If your average daily calorie consumption is right around this critical value, all the energy in the food you eat will be used to support your physical functioning. But extra calories will not be burned up and this unused energy will be stored as fat. Over time, increasing fat stores frequently lead to chronic disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. So with respect to long-term health, it’s a very good idea to avoid overeating. Of course, we want to have fun, too, but that’s what a “free food day” is for. If you eat within your caloric range on six days of the week, the seventh can be a “free day” when you can eat whatever you want. Such a system works very well for ongoing optimal weight management (which, of course, means ongoing health and well-being, contributing to our notion of “forever young”).(1)
Tip #2: Exercise more. Did you ever see a gymnast, competitive swimmer, or professional dancer who didn’t look absolutely terrific? These young men and women are in such good shape owing to the high volume of exercise they do every week. Do you know an older adult who was on a high school or college gymnastics team or was a professional dancer long ago? Isn’t that person still really healthy and fit? Such long-term fitness results from a lifelong habit of exercise. The very good news is that even if you haven’t exercised in many, many years, you can still derive benefit for years to come from starting to exercise, right now.(2,3)
You get fit by doing the work. Not all at once of course, but gradually, steadily, building up strength and endurance, starting right where you are. The secret is to begin. And after not too long a time, you’ll find that your new habit of exercise is providing all kinds of surprising benefits, including deeper, more restful sleep and increased energy and exuberance. Not to mention weight loss and a slimmer waistline.
These two tips, eating less and exercising more, have been known for decades. But in order to reap the many benefits, what’s required is to actually do these things. We can be forever young, relatively literally, by taking these simple actions on our own behalf.
1 – Campbell KL, et al: J Clin Oncol Reduced-Calorie Dietary Weight Loss, Exercise, and Sex Hormones in Postmenopausal Women: Randomized Controlled Trial. 2012 May 21
2 – Umpierre D: Physical activity advice only or structured exercise training and association with HbA1c levels in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA 305(17):1790-1799, 2011
3 – Betof AS, et al: Effects and potential mechanisms of exercise training on cancer progression: A translational perspective. Brain Behav Immun 2012 May 17
Chiropractic Care and the Fountain of Youth
There is no fountain of youth, of course, but there does exist a fountain of youthfulness. Anyone can gain access to this fountain by following a consistent plan of healthy nutrition, regular vigorous exercise, and sufficient rest. When you add regular chiropractic care to your long-term program, all your activities provide a greater yield.
Chiropractic care works by optimizing the functioning of your spinal column. The spinal column houses and protects spinal nerves, branches of your central nerve system that carry messages to all the other parts of your body. When the various parts of your spine – the vertebrae – are working well together, messages can flow freely back and forth along the spinal nerves. By helping ensure this free flow of information, chiropractic care helps you get the most out of your nutrition, exercise, and other healthful activities.
Breathing Exercises Improve Asthma Symptoms
Tips to Reduce Asthma Symptoms:
- Use air filters to help clean air in your home.
- Cover mattresses and pillows with dust covers and use hypoallergenic bed clothing to reduce exposure to dust mites.
- Include foods with omega-3 fatty acids in the diet-such as fish or fish oil.
- Supplement with vitamin C, which helps reduce allergic reactions and wheezing symptoms.
- >Get regular chiropractic care.
In the United States, about 20 million people have been diagnosed with asthma; nearly 9 million of them are children. The most common treatment for Asthma has been the use of corticosteriod inhalers.
A new study found that breathing techniques can cut the use of asthma reliever inhalers by more than 80% and halve the dose of preventer inhaler required in mild asthma, research finds.
The new study, published in the journal Thorax, compared the impact of two breathing techniques on symptoms, lung function, use of medication and quality of life among 57 adults with mild asthma.
One technique focused on shallow, nasal breathing with slow exhalations, and the second technique used general upper body exercises, accompanied by relaxation.
The participants, who used a preventer inhaler and required reliever inhaler at least four times a week, were randomly assigned to one or other breathing technique.
Participants practiced their breathing exercises twice a day for around 25 minutes over a period of 30 weeks. They were also encouraged to use a shorter version of their exercises in place of reliever inhaler, and to use reliever if the exercises did not work.
Researcher Professor Christine Jenkins, of the the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, found that the use of reliever medication fell by 86% in both exercise groups, a process which began within weeks of starting the exercises, and was maintained over eight months. She writes: “Breathing techniques may be useful in the management of patients with mild asthma symptoms who use a reliever frequently.”
By the end of the study, the participants dropped from using around three puffs of their reliever inhaler each day to approximately one puff every third day. Preventer dose requirements were also cut in half.
Ebb And Flow
Ancient peoples closely observed and interacted with the rhythms of their immediate environment. The sun rose in the East and set in the West. Day followed night, and approximately 12 hours later night followed day. The seasons progressed through a more leisurely, although no less regular, rhythm. A season of rebirth and new growth followed a season of restriction and retrenchment. A season of increasing sunshine, longer days, and bounteous expansion was succeeded by a season of harvest, transformation, and preparation for the next round of seasonal change. The moon waxed and waned. Tides rose and tides fell. The life cycles of all creatures – humans, animals, fish, birds, insects, and plants – were precisely attuned to the natural rhythms of the complex world in which they survived and thrived.
Life flows and life ebbs. The rhythm of life is sinusoidal. Rise to a peak. Rest momentarily. Return to baseline, then descend to a trough. Rest momentarily. Return to baseline, then ascend again to a peak. Breath in, breath out. Heart beats, heart relaxes. Muscles contract, muscles relax. Plough a field. Sow a crop. Reap the harvest. Allow the land to recover. A year or two later, plough the field again. Cyclical, rhythmical, sinusoidal activities.
When a person is healthy, all aspects of her physical functioning are aligned with these ancient rhythms.1,2 Disease always reflects an aberration – a defect – in the cyclical, sinusoidal patterns of normal physiology.3 Persistent low back muscle contractions without corresponding relaxation cause pain. Persistent muscle contractions in small arterial blood vessels cause high blood pressure. Persistent abnormal cellular growth without corresponding cellular death results in cancer. Persistently elevated or depressed hormonal levels cause specific forms of disease. The list of these ebb-and-flow abnormalities – the named diseases – is extensive.
The nervous system is also affected by defects in normal rhythm. Epilepsy reflects an extreme of rhythmical aberration – jagged, compressed peaks of electrical discharge suddenly traversing large areas of a person’s brain. On a subtler scale, small groups of nerve cells may fire inappropriately due to distortions in normal ebb-and-flow patterns. If such an altered pattern persists, these groups of nerve cells may transmit incorrect information to other important systems. Pain, symptoms, and even disease may result from such faulty connections.
Honoring the deep nature of how our bodies work goes far toward alleviating many disease states. Getting back into the natural rhythms of being human certainly helps many conditions involving back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Chiropractic care is an important part of helping reestablish the normal ebb and flow. Contact our office today and set an appointment to further discuss how chiropractic care may help reestablish your ebb and flow.
1. Bowen RS, et al: Sex hormone effects on physical activity levels: Why doesn’t Jane run as much as Dick? Sports Med 41(1):73-86, 2011
2. Mazzoccoli G: The timing clockwork of life. R Biol Regul Homeost Agents 25(1):137-143, 2011
3. Hansen TW, et al: Predictive role of the nighttime blood pressure. Hypertension 57(1):3-10, 2011
Getting Sinusoidal
Contract. Relax. This is the basic mechanism of muscular action. Problems develop when there’s too much of one or the other. In most cases, too much contraction is the culprit.
Persistent muscular contraction in the lower back or neck, for example, leads to a cascade of troublesome effects. Toxic metabolic end-products – including lactic acid – accumulate. These small molecules irritate local nerve endings and cause ongoing pain. Muscle spasm results which narrows local blood vessels. Too little blood reaching the area deprives tissues of oxygen and other important nutrients. Cellular damage results with further build-up of noxious metabolites.
Chiropractic treatment encourages a return to normal sinusoidal balance by restoring normal spinal alignment. Spasmodic muscles are enabled to relax. Blood vessels can now supply appropriate amounts of oxygen and nutrients. Metabolic waste is removed. Vitality is restored and pain resolves. Spinal muscles and spinal joints return to operating in a natural ebb-and-flow rhythm.
10 days Until Fall Clean Up
That’s Right! In 10 days, you will be able to begin The Doctor Supervised Fall Clean Up Program, designed to reduce and eliminate all your toxins within your Large Intestine, your Lungs and your Skin! Where else can you go to do that? And with the holidays coming up beginning next month, each and every one of you could so benefit from taking out all the sludge and garbage within those organs, before you start depositing more holiday garbage in.
Let’s face it! You are going to go to holiday parties. You are going to eat poor quality food. You are going to consume larger amounts of sugar, alcohol and foods you only eat this time of year. We can all agree that will occur. And as a result, you will develop the potential to being sick throughout the winter. You will create the basis for all the winter syndromes. The Flu, Upper Respiratory conditions, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Sinus Infections; or perhaps the dry skin that cracks, Psoriasis, or Eczema; or perhaps Colitis, Diverticulitis, Irritible Bowel, increased Constipation or Diarrhea. Is that something you have experienced in the past around this time of year? Or, perhaps after the holidays you have been known to put on 10 to 30 lbs. of new found excess weight. Will that be you this Holiday Season? It doesn’t have to be!
You have a six and a half week window to do this 9 Day Program. It’s only 9 Days. It starts in 10 days! Anyone can commit themselves to Just 9 Days! And in those 9 days between the 21st of October, through the 9th of December, you can clean out the 3 organs that are most active this time of year. You can use the body’s natural energy and capitalize on it to create the greatest positive effect. This is your health we are speaking of here. Can you imagine a Winter without sickness? Can you picture a Winter of ideal health? How about one of Better Health?
What do you need to do? Call the office and ask us to get together the necessary products to do this 9 Day Program. It’s just 9 Days. It starts in 10 Days. We need time to order the specific products you will need. If this is something you’ve been waiting for since last Spring, then appreciate it starts in 10 Days. Call (845)561-BACK (2225) and ask us to order your product, so you can get the program started. If we don’t order the product ahead of time, you may not be able to do the 9 Day Program in a smooth and seamless way. So please make your life and the life of the Office easier by calling ahead of time and telling us you want to do the 9 Day Program. Do the Fall Clean Up Program! Start your Winter off right! Do the Fall Clean Up Program!
How Does Your Metabolism Work?
Metabolism – you hear about speeding it up, how it slows down with age, ways to jump-start it so you can lose weight. But what is metabolism and how does it work?
Metabolism is the way your body converts the calories from the food you eat into the energy that your body needs to run your bodily processes. Metabolism refers to the creation of new cells, the repair of injuries, regulation of temperature and the performance of the myriad of activities your body performs daily, such as digestion.
Maintaining a properly functioning metabolism is critical to keep your body functioning properly and controlling your weight.
Doctors measure metabolism by taking a basal metabolic rate (BMR). This calculation relates how quickly your metabolism is functioning when you are in a resting state. Generally, the faster your metabolism works, the leaner you are; if your metabolism is slower, it is usually easier for you to gain weight.
After you ingest a meal (calories) your metabolism breaks down the food into the energy that your body needs to run properly. Your pancreas and thyroid also break down the food that can be further reduced into sugars, amino acids and fatty acids. These three types of energy are transported to all of the cells in your body, through your bloodstream. Any leftover energy is stored in your body, usually as fat. Think of it as your body’s “saving-for-a-rainy-day” reserve.
It’s counter-intuitive, but to lose weight you want eat at least three meals a day, along with a couple of snacks. If not, your metabolism slows down and your body goes into “starvation mode.” Eating smaller meals, more frequently, can actually help you lose weight.
Another way to speed up metabolism is through exercise. It is recommended that you exercise for 30 minutes as often as four to five times a week. Keep in mind that your metabolism may stay elevated for up to 12 hours after you exercise.
People who suffer from diabetes and thyroid problems often have slower metabolisms. In addition, genetics may be a factor in your metabolism.
To find out what we can do together to jump-start your metabolism and allow you to burn more calories and lose the unwanted weight, call the Office at 845-561-2225 and schedule an appointment. Together we can figure out what it will take to increase your metabolism and increase your health. I look forward to it.
Avoid Becoming Bionic

Over the last few decades the number of total hip and knee replacement surgeries have been rising at an alarming rate. In the United States for total hip and replacement surgeries have increased more than 50% and 170%, respectively. Europe is also seeing similar rises for these procedures with some the northern European countries reporting ...