Posts Tagged ‘Headaches Pooler GA’
Welcome to Advanced Alternative Medicine Center's Headaches Pooler GA Archive. Here you can learn more about Advanced Alternative Medicine Center, Chiropractic, and Dr. Richard Huntoon, today's choice for Chiropractors in Building 400, Pooler Park, Pooler, GA. Read Dr. Richard Huntoon's Chiropractic Headaches Pooler GA for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - 845-561-2225.
Great Tips To Beat Holiday Stress

The holiday is here! With the season's good cheer comes the stress which can lead to tears, neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches. This is especially the case at Christmas. The combination of the wrong food, too much alcohol, late nights, rushing around carrying heavy bags, and, let’s say it, family stresses, can all amount ...
NHL Scores with Chiropractic

The smell of the ice. Some find no bigger pleasure as the sweet cold smell reaches our nose and begins the adrenaline rush for the upcoming hockey season. If you are one of the many fans you are aware that hockey can be an action packed game that comes with several health risks due ...
Understanding Whiplash Injuries and Neck Pain

As the roads become increasingly slippery, more auto accidents are occurring at an alarming rate. The sharp or sudden stops are causing whiplash injuries to not only the driver but all the passengers involved. These injuries unfortunately do not always cause sudden pain but can manifest over time and are not limited to motor vehicles ...
Sharp Stop Neck Pain Relief!

In today's busy world we and others around us can easily be distracted. When we are distracted we have no present time consciousness and this can lead to accidents caused or experienced. The impact often involves a sharp or sudden jolt in which our body, neck and head are not prepared for. These distractions can ...
The Secret – Chiropractic

Have you ever forgotten how to do a simple math equation or looked a word and it simply looked incorrect?
These are functions of our conscious mind. Self help books reveal how to improve our memory, increase our vocabulary or sharpen our mental acuity. These books may help because, as we all know, our conscious mind ...
A Better Alternative – Solution for Headaches

What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth and carry on? Lie down in a dark room? Pop a pill and hope the pain goes away?
We all recognize this old saying. If we don't listen to our body, it cries louder AND LOUDER! Until we finally listen ...
Search Overload for Neck Pain Relief

With today's hectic lifestyles our stress and pain overload is up and our time and resources are limited for solutions. For solutions many of us head to the internet to search for these solutions. Unfortunately there is too much information on the information highway which allows us to become paralyzed with confusion. Here are a ...
All Stressed Out! – Get the Chiropractic Solution!

Our lives today have become congested and overrun with stress. The effects of stress are seen across the nation at an earlier age and with more detrimental health effects. Stress can be caused by a number of factors, both personal and professional. In most cases, though, it is the result of the difference between what ...
Power Off Neck Pain

Would it not be wonderful to turn off pain as easy as pressing an "Off "button? Reach back and touch at the base of your neck - do you have a bump? If so, you may have found the button to your headache and neck pain. This bump is an unattractive mass of fat and ...
Spring into Healthy Eating!

March is here and Spring is in the air! As we are eagerly ready to come out of hibernation jump in and spring clean your health. There is no better way to rejuvenate your health than by eating more nutritiously. In fact, even a few simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can have a ...