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Power Off Neck Pain

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Power Off Neck Pain

Neck Pain Pooler GA

Would it not be wonderful to turn off pain as easy as pressing an "Off "button?  Reach back and touch at the base of your neck - do you have a bump? If so, you may have found the button to your headache and neck pain.  This bump is an unattractive mass of fat and ...


Your Owners Manual – Page 1… Whiplash Warning Light

Pooler Whiplash Treatment

The roar of an engine!  The roar of the crowd! The roar of wind racing by as you hold on and enjoy a day at an amusement park.  Life today is fast and we play hard.  Unfortunately today’s fast lifestyle can have a traumatic effect on your health. The injury suffered is most often described as ...


Human Factors in the Ergonomic Equation

Pooler Workplace Ergonomics

Workplace Ergonomics Simply Defined Workplace ergonomics is the practice of designing or redesigning an area in which a person works to the specific needs and job requirements of that person. Simply defined that for an ergonomic workplace to be created, a proper assessment of the environment must first of all take place so that appropriate changes ...


How To Strengthen Your Immune System

Pooler Immune System

There is a constant daily bombardment of different microbes that are known to make us ill. However, studies have shown that a wider exposure to these microbes as children can lower the risk of asthma and allergies in the future. Our immune system is not determined by just one thing, there are many factors that ...


The Benefits Of A HydroMassage

HydroMassage Pooler

HydroMassage is becoming a more and more popular alternative to regular massage. Through the use of hot pressurized water, it can target specific areas of the body. The use of this hot water is to relax the muscles and allow for a deeper massage. The use of HydroMassage therapies dates back to Roman times, where people ...


National Poison Your Child Day – Will You Participate?

t’s that time of year again, where we are all given the option of setting our children and our family up for a sickly Winter.  As the title of this article says, National Poison Your Child Day is the holiday we choose to celebrate by giving out bags and buckets full of candy and other processed sugar “treats” to all the little children who come to our doors dressed in costumes that represent their alter egos or opportunities to dress like their heroes.

From a kids perspective, I’m all for it.  They should have several days a year in which to do this.  We, even as adults, deserve a day of being able to dress up like someone we don’t normally dress like for the sheer fun of it.  As long as it is done in a respectful manner that doesn’t offend or hurt others, we should all do it.  Letting go of the notion that we have to be the same all the time is healthy, and this is the time of year for “Letting go.”  What is a concern is the rewards that are given during the time of “Trick or Treat.”  This is what creates the problems.  The question is, “Will you participate?”

The concept of giving away candy to children who recently seemed to have developed more allergy-type conditions, upper respiratory ailments and other conditions such as adult-onset diabetes before the children are adults, is something that needs to be considered.  Not considering the potential downside of receiving large amounts of candy and the effect it has on the Immune System is just plane irresponsible.  So I am writing this today to encourage you to consider celebrating the holiday, get the kids dressed up in whatever costume makes them happy and make it a game to see how much candy you can collect so you can simply throw it out.  I realize this is quite the extreme idea, of which could potentially upset your little Ninja or Princess, but if you position it correctly, they will actually get excited about the idea.  Before I get into how to handle the rewards of going door to door, I wanted to help you understand how eating refined sugar interferes with the functioning of your Immune System and how it sets the body up for more infection.

Every person has 3 major components that help to maintain balance within their digestive tract.  These include good, healthy bacteria, such as E.Coli, along with two different classes of Fungus, known as Yeast and Candidia.  Normally, a healthy person has a balanced amount of all three that enables the proper breakdown and assimilation of the foods eaten.  But if your intestinal flora is out of balance, as a direct result of taking Antibiotics, you will have a digestive system that is deficient in bacteria and has excess amounts of Yeast and Candidia.  This imbalance causes the person to have irrational cravings for sugar, and other simple carbohydrates, in an effort to feed and satisfy the excess Yeast and Candidia.  What results is a body that produces too much mucus.  This will stem from the excess Yeast and Candidia in association with consuming cheese, milk, vinegar, alcohol, especially beer, and other fermented foods.  The mucus and overgrowth of Yeast and Candidia leads to lots of gas and bloating.  It also causes stagnation or constipation.  This, over time, will cause tiny micro-tears in the lining of your intestines, leading to a condition known as “Leaky Gut Syndrome.”  This then follows with undigested food particles entering the blood-stream.  When this occurs, a normal Immune Response will take place where the Immune System attacks the undigested food particles.  This results in what is called Food Allergies.  Since the Immune System is now attacking the undigested food particles needed to build health within the body, slowly over time, your Immune Response is lowered and you’re now more prone to developing infections.  Compound the issue with the excess mucus from certain foods, and your body is now ready to trap infections that the Immune System isn’t strong enough to get to, nor does it have the ability to fight effectively.  This leads to Upper Respiratory Infections, Lung Infections, Asthma, Pneumonia, as well as, Colitis, Diverticulitis and other Digestive System dysfunction.  Since this is the time of year for the Lungs and Large Intestine to be most active, based on being the two components of the Metal Element in the Chinese 5 Element Theory, it is important not to stress either of them out in a negative way.  Consuming large quantities (any quantity) of sugar is the quickest way to throw these two organs into crisis.  Participating in National Poison Your Child Day and allowing your children to eat the candy they receive form Trick or Treating, will set them up for a Winter full of sickness and Antibiotics.  What should a good parent do?  You could say NO!

Allowing your children to partake in the dress-up aspect of Halloween is something every parent should enjoy.  And taking the time to show them off to all the neighbors is fun for everyone.  But what to do with the bags, buckets and baskets full of candy?  One choice is to make a deal with your kids.  For every piece of candy they collect, they get a certain amount of money, let’s say a nickel.  Perhaps you can give them a specific amount for the whole amount of candy collected, something like $5.00 or $10.00.  You decide.  The rule is though that when they get home, you both go through the candy, and you can use the money as an influence to giving up the candy.  Is it bribery?  I wouldn’t call it that.  If, when going through the candy, there are some natural treats, those they can eat.  But for all the hard candy with concentrated sugar, you should consider, for the health of your children and your household, tossing all of it.   It can be an opportunity to teach your children about proper foods, and what is not good to eat.

Another possible solution is perhaps you could convince them to donate the candy to “the needy children who can’t go Trick or Treating.”  This works with the younger ones.  Tell them a story about the “needy children” and see if you can teach your kids to give the candy away.  Once you have them convinced, you could tell your kids you will bring it to those children.  And then when they are at school, you could then simply throw the candy out.  Either choice allows you to avoid setting your children up for a Winter of sickness, and allows you to teach them something valuable.

Consider what I have said here when making your decision to allow your children to go out Trick or Treating on Halloween.  I think if you really consider the consequences of letting them eat any or all of the candy they receive, you’ll realize it is very important for their health and well being.  Dealing with a sick child, especially when you don’t feel well yourself, is not a fun, nor an easy thing.  Setting yourself up to have to deal with a sick child as Winter approaches is now up to you.  Will you participate?

If you have any questions about anything contained in this newsletter, please contact me directly through where I will be happy to answer all of your health related questions.

2 Weeks Until Fall Clean Up

That’s Right! In 2 weeks, you will be able to begin The Doctor Supervised Fall Clean Up Program, designed to reduce and eliminate all your toxins within your Large Intestine, your Lungs and your Skin!  Where else can you go to do that?  And with the holidays coming up beginning next month, each and every one of you could so benefit from taking out all the sludge and garbage within those organs, before you start depositing more holiday garbage in.

Let’s face it!  You are going to go to holiday parties. You are going to eat poor quality food. You are going to consume larger amounts of sugar, alcohol and foods you only eat this time of year.  We can all agree that will occur. And as a result, you will develop the potential to being sick throughout the winter.  You will create the basis for all the winter syndromes. The Flu, Upper Respiratory conditions, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Sinus Infections; or perhaps the dry skin that cracks, Psoriasis, or Eczema;  or perhaps Colitis, Diverticulitis, Irritible Bowel, increased Constipation or Diarrhea.  Is that something you have experienced in the past around this time of year?  Or, perhaps after the holidays you have been known to put on 10 to 30 lbs. of new found excess weight.  Will that be you this Holiday Season?  It doesn’t have to be!

You have a six and a half week window to do this 9 Day Program.  It’s only 9 Days. It starts in 2 weeks!  Anyone can commit themselves to Just 9 Days!  And in those 9 days between the 21st of October, through the 9th of December, you can clean out the 3 organs that are most active this time of year.  You can use the body’s natural energy and capitalize on it to create the greatest positive effect.  This is your health we are speaking of here.  Can you imagine a Winter without sickness? Can you picture a Winter of ideal health?  How about one of Better Health?

What do you need to do?  Call the office and ask us to get together the necessary products to do this 9 Day Program.  It’s just 9 Days.  It starts in 2 weeks.  We need time to order the specific products you will need.  If this is something you’ve been waiting for since last Spring, then appreciate it starts in 2 weeks.  Call (845)561-BACK (2225) and ask us to order your product, so you can get the program started.  If we don’t order the product ahead of time, you may not be able to do the 9 Day Program in a smooth and seamless way.  So please make your life and the life of the Office easier by calling ahead of time and telling us you want to do the 9 Day Program.  Do the Fall Clean Up Program! Start your Winter off right! Do the Fall Clean Up Program!

Strategies To Prevent and Treat the Flu

The following are the recommendations published by the National Vaccine Information Center organization which I felt would be useful for all of you who read this newsletter.  For information about this organization, go to and read up on this worthy organization.

As the Flu season seems to be upon us (although it is earlier this year than previous years), it is important to pay attention to the following recommendations before the Flu Season hits.

  1. Wash your hands frequently.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. Eat a healthy diet.
  5. Consider herbal and homeopathic remedies for prevention and treatment.
  6. Consider adding Chiropractic or Osteopathic care to your wellness plan
  7. .Get adequate sleep.
  8. Lower stress.

Natural Immune Solutions: They Build Your Immunity From The Inside Out

Available through the office are Natural Immune and Flu fighters, which include Calcium Lactate and Cataplex C for strengthening the Immune System Response by supporting the cells that fight off infection.  Calcium Lactate is important to take because it makes sure your system does not have any holes in it allowing viruses or other “bugs” to get into your system.  So having sufficient amounts of Calcium Lactate in your diet allows for you to resist infection.  Cataplex C is the whole vitamin C Complex (Cataplex C) designed to stimulate the Immune Cells which fight off infection.  It is the food for these Immune Fighting Cells and allows them to be strong to eat up any pathogen that gets into the body that could cause infection.  These two should always be taken together to support a strong Immune response.  Also being understood is the critical role of vitamin D.  The Vitamin D Complex works to help support ideal Immune Response in the body in conjunction with Calcium and Vitamin C.  These three supplements Calcium Lactate, Cataplex C and Cataplex D are a must for anyone who chooses to build their Immunity in a natural way, promoting strong immunity.

Also available are Immuplex for Immune System support to combat viruses, Thymex to build strong Immune Cells and we also carry a homeopathic product called FluImmune, designed for the prevention of the Flu as well as treatment for the Flu.  Since the Flu season is now here, if you want to support your Immune System before getting the Flu, consider stopping into the office and receiving an Immune Boosting treatment, and/or picking up some nutritional and/or homeopathic support.  Why wait until you get the Flu, as it is better to strengthen your body so you won’t have to get it.  Consider the supplements mentioned above.

But What About The Flu Vaccine?

Appreciate that the Flu Vaccine, Swine Flu or otherwise, does not prevent the flu, nor does it stop the spread of the flu.  It simply lessens the length of time one has the flu by about 6 to 18 hours out of a 6 day period of time.  So it will not stop you from getting the flu like many believe.  This is important to understand.  Please share this information with anyone you know and care about.  Flu Vaccines will not stop the flu from affecting you, it will simply lessen the length of time you suffer from it by 6 to 18 hours.  Does the potential for side effects from injecting a pathogen into the body to help develop immunity, while potentially creating a lifetime of neurologic symptoms like those found in Guillian-Barre Syndrome make sense? (Click on the blue link for information)  Please be smart and know you have been forwarned.

What does the manufacturer say about the Flu Vaccine?

Click on the following link to get the information directly from the “horse’s mouth.”  I think you’ll be surprised.  What Does The Manufacturer say?  Also consider going to Flu Vaccine Exposed for more information about the effectiveness of the flu vaccine.  Very educational! STRONGLY CONSIDER THIS INFORMATION BEFORE TAKING THE SHOT!!

I Am Here To Help

Please know that my purpose in life is to help people better understand their health and their health choices.  If you ever have a question about your health or a health related question, please call me at (845)561-BACK or 561-2225. It is my pleasure to assist you to better health.

Dowager’s Hump Causes and Treatments

Pooler Dowagers Hump Causes and Treatments

"Dowager's Hump" can affect any person who spends a lot of their time hunched over or has a severe case of osteoporosis. The professional term for Dowager’s Hump is hyperkyphosis, which is an increase in the forward curvature of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine. It is a condition that can either be relatively ...


Scheduling Your Spinal Exam

Pooler Your Spinal Exam

Regular vigorous physical exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient rest are not the only factors to having a healthy body.  Although Chiropractic has been around for over one hundred years, the importance of Chiropractic care has only become more mainstream in the last few decades as pro-active health care has become more popular.  The full ...


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Advanced Alternative Medicine Center
138 Canal Street, Suite 404
Pooler, GA 31322

Phone: 845-561-2225
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Tue9:00am - 12:00pmBy Appointment Only
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Fri7:30am - 12:00pm2:30pm - 7:00pm
Sat7:30am - 12:00pmClosed
Advanced Alternative Medicine Center