Advanced Alternative Medicine Center

Hope for Autism

Posts Tagged ‘Pooler chiropractic’

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We look forward to serving you! Call - 845-561-2225.

Hope for Autism

Autism Pooler GA

With the ever growing phenomenon of labels, many children are being labeled simply as autistic and then given the traditional series of medications and therapies.  Help is near due to recent research studies conducted to help our children who may be effected strive for healthier happier lives. In an important study, listed on the website, ...


I Spy Good Health

Pooler GA Wellness

Have you ever found what you were searching for was right in front of your face?  For many of us our health solution is as simple as that.  The key is to training ourselves to look and listen to our bodies and to learn where to look for the right solution for our future health ...


Commit to Better Health

Weight Loss Pooler GA

Let's Spring into Health! Do you want to lose that stubborn weight?  Did you promise yourself that this year you would get into shape?  Do you want to feel young again and enjoy your health and life? It can happen.  But, it is up to you to make a change.  Do something different.  It comes down to ...


Metabolic Typing: Fact or Fallacy?

Many believe that each of us has our own unique metabolic “type” and that if you eat according to that type you’ll feel better, have more energy, and enjoy better physical, mental and emotional health. Since each person’s metabolism functions differently, how can anyone possibly believe that one particular diet is the answer to every person’s perfect weight and health maintenance program?

Eating according to your metabolic type may help you combine the proper amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins to avoid feelings of hunger, cravings, irritability, nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, anger and reduced energy levels that often occur an hour or so after eating.

Although scientists have not yet validated metabolic typing, if you are interested in optimizing your health, maintaining a healthy weight, lessening your chances of premature aging, and increasing your energy – then one of the things you can do is to learn what your metabolic type is and then to eat appropriately for your type.

It is suggested that there are three metabolic types: protein types, carb types and mixed types. Each type should eat according to the following suggested guidelines:

  • Protein types should eat diets that include plenty of proteins, fats and oils, while keeping carbohydrates at a minimum. A typical nutritional ratio might be 40 percent protein and 30 percent fats and carbohydrates.
  • Carb types should incorporate a high carbohydrate, low fat diet into their lifestyles; they typically require about 60 percent carbs, 25 percent protein and 15 percent fat, although the carbs selected are important and should not include a lot of grains.
  • Mixed types require relatively equal ratios of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Metabolic typing may be a way to improve your physical health. It’s best done through blood, urine, saliva and glucose tolerance testing and through blood and body typing and analyses. Search the Internet and you’ll discover self-assessment tests and other helpful information about metabolic typing. Stop into the office and we, together can help you figure out what your best type is and what that means for your long-term health. Please call us at 845-561-2225 to schedule some time for us to address this important health topic.  Your health will improve once you apply “your type.”

Foot Loose

todays fasion tomorrows pain

Our feet carry us everywhere that we want to go. They come in virtually every size and shape and are thrust into narrow spaces or raised up on four-inch heels to give us height. Victimized by bunions, calluses, plantar warts, and blisters. Subjected to hot sand, hard gravel and stones in the summer and occasionally ...


Lowering the Risk Factors of Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease

Lowering the Risk Factors
Diabetes is a dangerous health problem. In adults, diabetes is often a result of long-term nutritional neglect and abuse.

Most of us don’t eat breakfast. Our fuel supply is very low, and we wind up running on fumes. We grab a high-calorie muffin or a candy bar later in the morning when we’re really, really hungry. What we don’t know is that this snack causes insulin to dump out of the pancreas into the bloodstream, as the body attempts to process the surge in blood glucose from the snack we just ate.

This pattern is repeated throughout the day. A graph of the average person’s blood sugar levels would show sharp spikes – both highs and lows – in every 24-hour period. Eventually, the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas wear out. The result is consistently high levels of blood glucose which is called diabetes.

Diabetes may cause severe eye problems, severe kidney problems, and severe circulatory problems. It is associated with obesity, heart disease, and increased mortality. Not good.

An obvious preventive strategy would be to ensure that blood glucose levels are steady throughout the day. Actually, this is easy to do. All that’s required is to develop healthy eating habits and do regular exercise.

Eat breakfast – a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese mixed with a 6-ounce cup of yoghurt is all you need

Do food combining at every meal – always eat a combination of protein and carbohydrate

No between-meal snacks

Regular exercise that is challenging and fun – build-up gradually and be consistent

We’re in the middle of several deadly epidemics in the United States. Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are affecting more and more people every year. Recent statistics show that two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Thirty percent of American children are obese. Approximately 21 million Americans have diabetes. One child out of every 500 has type I diabetes. In America, 72 million adults have high blood pressure. These are shocking statistics, considering that U.S. health care expenditures totaled $2 trillion in 2006. That’s 2 TRILLION dollars.

As Americans, we’re getting less healthy by the day. The good news is there are many things we can do about these trends. There is real action that every American, young and old, can take to support and protect their health and well-being. These action steps all focus on lifestyle – the choices we make each and every day.

The first step is an honest self-assessment. When was the last time I exercised? Does my clothes size increase every couple of years? How many times during the week do I eat fast food? When was the last time I ate an apple instead of half a box of cookies?

Regardless of the answers, it is possible to become healthy and fit again, whatever your current circumstances. You CAN lose 10 or 20 or 30 or however many pounds. You CAN climb stairs without getting out of breath. You CAN regain the youthful glow of vitality. You CAN be vigorous and proud of your body, rather than worrying about what’s going to be the next thing to break down.

Healthy eating and regular exercise are essential parts of the solution to combating obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.1,2 These practices have the magical effect of resetting your metabolic clock – your body shifts from a pattern of storing fat to a pattern of burning fat.3 Over time, with a nutritious food plan and consistent exercise, you even burn fat while you’re resting! Your body is very smart. You just have to treat it right.

Your chiropractor is a wonderful asset – both as a health care practitioner and as a guide – on your journey toward fitness and wellness. Your chiropractor has extensive resources available on practical nutrition and how to design a supportive food plan. He or she has deep knowledge regarding the types of exercises and activities that will be right for you. You and your chiropractor can design an exercise program that will be both fun and rewarding. Working together, you’ll be maximizing your health and vitality. You will begin to fulfill a way of living that will support you in being healthy and well for years to come.

1Lindstrom J, et al: Sustained reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes by lifestyle intervention: follow-up of the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study. Lancet 368(9548):1673-1679, 2006.

2Orchard TJ, et al: The effect of metformin and intensive lifestyle intervention on the metabolic syndrome: the Diabetes Prevention Program randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 142(8):611-619, 2005

3Yannakoulia M, et al: A dietary pattern characterized by high consumption of whole-grain cereals and low-fat dairy products and low consumption of refined cereals is positively associated with plasma adiponectin

Your New Reality

120-Day Makeover
Your body’s cells and tissues are constantly undergoing replacement, remodeling, and makeovers. For example, your red blood cells – the cells that carry oxygen from your lungs to every other part of your body – replace themselves every 120 days. Other cells with such a high rate of turnover include the cells lining your gastrointestinal tract – stomach, small intestine, and large intestine – and hair cells.

Ultimately all of your body’s cells die and are replaced. What this means is that the “new you” doesn’t have to be the same as the “old you”. As you get healthier – eat more nutritious foods, exercise regularly, and get sufficient restful sleep – your new replacement cells also become stronger, fitter, and healthier.

For most people, chiropractic care is an essential ingredient in becoming healthier. Chiropractic care helps improve the functioning of your nerve system, which in turn helps every system of your body function more effectively and efficiently. With respect to health and well-being, chiropractic care helps your desire for a “new reality” become a reality.

Is it possible to create a new personal reality? So-called unscripted television shows say you can – “The Biggest Loser” being one of the more popular of these tell-all and show-all programs. But most of us realize that these shows don’t closely represent reality as we experience it. What causes us to tune in anyway? The answer is that even though reality shows may be scripted or controlled in some ways, they do contain an element of reality regarding the actual problems of the participants/contestants. We empathize with their struggles, and hope to discern some new knowledge that may help us overcome our own hurdles. But can a real person, in real life, make long-lasting changes in lifestyle, health, and wellness?

The provisional answer is yes.1,2,3 A real person can lose significant weight and keep it off. A real person can become physically fit, even though she hasn’t exercised for 20 years, or ever. A real person can create a nutritional food plan that covers all the basics and also tastes great. A real person can sleep seven or eight hours a night, most nights, and have the ongoing experience of feeling well-rested. A real person can enjoy meaningful and fulfilling relationships with family and friends. In short, a real person can design and have a real life, even though from today’s perspective such a rewarding life might seem an impossibly unattainable goal.

Your new reality is possible, but it doesn’t come for free. If no effort were involved, every person in the developed world would be living happy, creative, self-fulfilled lives right now. You can see that is not the case when you look around at your workplace, the local market, or the shopping mall. How many people appear to be happy and engaged? How many appear anxious or stressed? Many times, anxiety and stress far outweigh happiness and enjoyment. For many, our default way of being seems to include worry, disorganization, disorder, and breakdown. These conditions lead to anxiety, which leads to stress, which leads to more worry and anxiety. When they form, these negative habits of thinking and action are habitually ineffective; they continue to be negative influences on our lives until we abolish them. In terms of health and well-being, our negative habits lead to the opposite conditions – we aren’t healthy and we don’t feel good about ourselves.

The world around us works the same way. Every moment, the universe is tending to greater entropy – the breakup of organized energy patterns and greater disorder. On the other hand, life has the power to reverse the natural tendency toward entropy. Life creates structure. Life creates organization. Think of honeycombs. Think of dams. Think of skyscrapers.

Why then do human lives often seem to fall apart so easily? The missing secret ingredients include intention, planning, and effort. And not only the effort required to keep the whole thing operational. Extra effort is called for to really make a difference. Extra effort that we take on our own behalf. In order for us to create a new personal reality, extra effort will be required. Weeks, months, and years of extra effort. This sounds like a lot. It is. The good news is that the payoff can be huge. The real payoff is the person you become as part of this process of renewal. You become your authentic self.

1Totsikas C, et al: Cardiorespiratory fitness determines the reduction in blood pressure and insulin resistance during lifestyle intervention. J Hypertens 29(6):1220-1227, 2011

2Lohmann H, et al: Fitness consultations in routine care of patients with type 2 diabetes in general practice: an 18-month non-randomised intervention study. BMC Fam Pract 11:83, 2010

3Ryan AS: Exercise in aging: it’s important role in the aging process

Five Small Meals

Chiropractic Care and Healthy Eating

Regular chiropractic care and consistent, healthy nutrition represent two powerful lifestyle choices for people interested in supporting their long-term health and well-being.

These life-affirming action steps work together to give you more energy, more restful sleep, and an overall positive mental attitude. When you don’t get enough nutritious food, your body doesn’t work properly. Supplies aren’t available to build strong cells and tissues. Toxins accumulate. People wonder why they feel tired and listless. A big part of the answer is too much of the foods that are harmful and not enough of the foods that have high nutritional content.

Also, when your body’s out of alignment, joints, muscles, cartilage, and ligaments are all working against each other. Your body wastes energy because these biomechanical structures are literally at cross purposes. Even maintaining a seated posture or standing for a few minutes becomes stressful and painful. Regular chiropractic care addresses these biomechanical problems and helps your body to work much more easily and efficiently.

Regular chiropractic care and healthy nutrition work together to provide optimal health. There may even be delightful, unexpected benefits as your body and mind begin to work in harmony.

Plenty of people go through plenty of suffering trying to lose weight. But why does it have to be that way? Surely there’s some discipline involved, but the process can actually be empowering and personally fulfilling. Weight loss doesn’t need to be about suffering. Losing weight can actually be fun.


The fun part of losing weight is the fulfillment and personal satisfaction you get out of doing what you said you’d do. The fun part is seeing the pounds come off, week by week. The fun part is seeing yourself get back in shape. And, the very fun part is the free day that you enjoy each week. The free day is built-in to your losing-weight food plan.


What’s a free day? You want to be on a food plan that changes your body’s metabolism – one that flattens out your blood glucose levels, one that flattens out your blood insulin levels. The result is a body that knows how to burn glucose for energy, rather than a body that’s out of synch and stores glucose as fat.1,2


The best way to normalize your metabolism is to eat five or six small meals per day. This is not news. This powerful approach to maintaining optimal body weight has been around for many decades. And the multiple small meals food plan works just as well today.3


This approach has a surprise bonus – a built-in fun factor – the free day. The free day fulfills two important functions. First, your body needs to know that it’s not in starvation mode. If your body thinks it’s starving, you’ll begin to store fat. So you actually need to have a free day once a week.


Your free day also has a very important psychological purpose. You’re doing work and following a plan. A break from the plan is necessary; otherwise it’s going to become boring. It’s great to look forward to your free day and the opportunity to break the routine.


On your free day you can eat anything you want. After a while, you become less exorbitant on your free day. You still eat more pure-fun foods, but you find you’re eating less in terms of mass quantities. You just get more normalized, naturally, as you find yourself listening more to what your body really wants and needs.


Your free day, combined with the ongoing positive feedback from your bathroom scale, makes it possible and realistic to continue on the multiple small meals per day plan.


Over time your weekly weight loss decreases and eventually you stop losing weight – you’ve reached your body’s natural weight. This is a major accomplishment. Your food plan has become a way of life. You’ve learned how to eat so that you’re healthy, fit, and well. Make sure you celebrate!


1Otani H: Oxidative stress as pathogenesis of cardiovascular risk associated with metabolic syndrome. Antiox Redox Signal 15(7):1911-1926, 2011

2Brietzke SA: A personalized approach to metabolic aspects of obesity. Mt Sinai J Med 77(5):499-510, 2010


Father’s Day Special

It is this time of year that I like to find time to be thankful for my Dad.  He’s always encouraged and continues to support me in my life.  He’s forever willing to listen to me and offer good sound advice in life’s challenging times.  He has instilled within me the strong belief that I can do anything I set my mind to and it is because of him that I became the healthcare practitioner that I am today.  With that, I’d like to acknowledge him and say THANK YOU Dad!

As I’m sure all of you have a father, take the time to say Thank You to yours.  Like last month’s Mother’s Day, you don’t have to go out and buy him anything, as I’m sure he already has enough.  Just take the time to let him know that he’s been important to you in your life and I’m sure he’d appreciate that.

My Offer To You

As a gift to ALL Fathers who are not currently a Practice Member, I offer you the opportunity to schedule an Exam and Consultation with me before the 30th of June.  This is my way of saying that I value all the father’s out there and I wish to help them for what they do in our lives.  This is a $225.00 value and it will allow you to find out if there are any unknown health concerns that might be sneaking up on you.  I will take an hour and a half to fully evaluate how all your major organs and systems are doing, and see if your nutrition and elimination systems are working properly.  I will then take the time to inform you of the options you have to help your current state of health, and the opportunity I can offer you if the circumstances allow for it.  Otherwise, I will make the appropriate referral to the qualified healthcare provider of your choice.

As a gift to ALL the Fathers who are currently a Practice Member, I will offer you a FREE hour consultation to discuss any aspect of your health you are not currently happy with and would like to change.  The hour consultation can be used to discuss exercise, diet, proper foods to be eating, detoxification or any other topic that is of a concern for you.  During this 60 minutes I will help you strategize a plan to change these concerns and get you moving in the right direction.  This will allow you to continue improving your health more fully.  This must be taken advantage of before the 30th of June.

If you know of any fathers who do not currently subscribe to this newsletter and would like to help them, please forward this information to them and ask them to go to and sign up.  You’ll be helping them a great deal.  And it’s really a painless procedure.  Simply type your e-mail address, your first and last names, and then hit subscribe.  It’s that easy.

Be mindful, This offer is good until the last day of June.  The appointment must be made during that time period. As of June 30th, this offer will expire.  So pick up the phone NOW while you are motivated and call the Office at 561-2225.  Tell us you want to take advantage of the Father’s Day Special.  Your health will improve and you just might learn something that will literally change your life.  Call today and take advantage of this unique offer.  You’ll be happy you did.

As always, we offer Potential New Practice Members the opportunity to participate in a FREE Healthcare Class offered at the Pooler Office on Tuesday Night at 6:30 pm.  Since seating is limited, please call the Office at (845)561-2225 to register for your spot.  There is no cost for this class and it is a great way to have your health related questions answered without the obligation for purchasing something.

Are You Connected?


When you do a clean restore on your computer, you restore the initial factory settings. You wipe the slate clean of all the junk – unnecessary programs, spyware, and viruses that have accumulated along the way. The result is a clean, lean machine that runs faster and works much better.

Extending the connectivity metaphor, is it possible to do a clean restore on your body? In one sense, definitely not. You’d first need to backup all the things that make you who you are – the things you’ve learned, your experiences, your personality. The cells of your body retain these sorts of memories, too, and your environmental experiences have a significant impact on your DNA. In another sense, though, it is possible to do a clean restore, on a cell-by-cell basis. Your body’s cells are constantly renewing themselves, doing their own versions of a clean restore. If you provide the appropriate inputs in the form of healthy, nutritious food, plenty of regular exercise, and sufficient rest, your new cells will be faster, smarter, and better than the ones they are replacing.

Being connected is very important in our modern world. Could you imagine how you’d feel if you left your cell phone at home? For teenagers, a cell phone is much more than a tool. For teens, cell phones are status symbols, but they also represent a connection to the tribe, a connection to their human network. For teens and adults, cell phones are lifelines. What about web connectivity? Many of us begin to experience withdrawal symptoms if we’re separated from our Internet connection for more than an hour. Others check their email every few minutes, ongoingly, throughout the day, every day.

We may feel secure if we’re well connected in the external electronic world, but it’s even more important to be well connected in the internal physiologic world. In the external world we think in terms of networks, primarily in terms of Internet connections. In the internal world networks are the key, too – neurologic networks, of which our nerve system is comprised.1,2

The nerve system consists of the brain, cranial nerves, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and miles of peripheral nerves which connect the spinal cord and spinal nerves to every other cell in the body. In the body, the rules are simple. If a cell is not connected to the nerve system, the cell’s activities become disorganized and it becomes diseased and eventually dies. In a related scenario a cell may be connected, but the nerve signals it is receiving are inaccurate or inappropriate, due to problems within the nerve system itself. The results are the same –  the cell’s activities become disorganized and it becomes diseased and eventually dies. If enough cells are affected, the person develops symptoms and becomes sick.

“Problems” within the nerve system often result from spinal subluxations – a loss of full mobility between one or more pairs of spinal vertebras, with associated spinal muscle tightness or spasm, spinal joint inflammation, and spinal nerve irritation. The free flow of information between the nerve system and the rest of the body becomes compromised. Both ends of the network receive inappropriate, ineffective information and the result is a “system crash” in the form of symptoms and disease.

Chiropractic health care is especially designed to restore effective connectivity and communication between your nerve system and your other body systems.3 Your chiropractor specializes in identifying the spinal subluxations at the root of the problem and using gentle, safe, effective methods of care to restore proper balance to your spine and nerve system. Optimal functioning begins to be restored and improved levels of health and well-being are the natural result.

1Coward LA: The hippocampal system as the cortical resource manager: a model connecting psychology, anatomy and physiology. Adv Exp Med Biol 657:315-364, 2010

2Saur D, et al: Combining functional and anatomical connectivity reveals brain networks for auditory language comprehension. Neuroimage 49(4):3187-3197, 2010

3Taylor HH, Murphy B: Altered central integration of dual somatosensory input after cervical spine manipulation. J Manipulative Physiol Ther


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Advanced Alternative Medicine Center
138 Canal Street, Suite 404
Pooler, GA 31322

Phone: 845-561-2225
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Tue9:00am - 12:00pmBy Appointment Only
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Advanced Alternative Medicine Center