Advanced Alternative Medicine Center

Neck Pain – Not This Summer!

Posts Tagged ‘Chiropractor Pooler GA’

Welcome to Advanced Alternative Medicine Center's Chiropractor Pooler GA Archive. Here you can learn more about Advanced Alternative Medicine Center, Chiropractic, and Dr. Richard Huntoon, today's choice for Chiropractors in Building 400, Pooler Park, Pooler, GA. Read Dr. Richard Huntoon's Chiropractic Chiropractor Pooler GA for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 845-561-2225.

Neck Pain – Not This Summer!

Neck Pain Pooler GA Whiplash

We all love summer vacations filled with the fun of amusement parks and long days on the beach. At least, we use too. As children, we could not wait to get on the newest and fastest roller coasters and be thrown around on the lake on water skis and tubes. But as we ...


Observations From A Chiropractor

Evolutions Role Pooler GA Back Pain

Man's trajectory from the beginning has been to come, become, adapt, and grow.  Our evolution from even a small infant can be measured by lying to sitting, sitting to crawling, and finally crawling to standing.  With this said our species from an outside observer would now be entered as the era of de-evolution of man. ...


Sports Performance For Athletes of All Ages

Athletics Pooler GA Sports Injury

Our society for the most part lives for the exhilaration of endorphins that we release as we strive for the goal line of victory.  We simply love winning.   Our addiction will often be the force that drives us to the next challenge.  We know that our win is never based on "good luck" but our ...


Suffering A Rotator Cuff Injury?

Shoulder Pain Pooler GA Rotator Cuff Injury

Are you sitting on the sideline for some of your favorite activities due to a shoulder injury that is making many routine activities challenging and painful? Or have you played through telling yourself it will heal or you will address later? Be warned! It could be an injury to your rotator cuff! Your shoulder injury that ...


Great Health From The Start

Back Pain Pooler GA Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Nothing can be more contagious than to receive a huge smile from a child. The hope of their bright future emanates in their laughter, and we can think of nothing more beautiful or valuable. As we love them all from the very start, we want to ensure they are well loved, well cared for, well ...


Could I Have Sciatica?

Leg Pain Pooler GA Sciatica

Does every step you take cause you pain that radiates down your leg or legs? Have you become depressed with the pain or been through a series of pain injections to block this pain? If so, read on. Understanding A Cause - The Sciatic Nerve Your sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in your body, and ...


The Importance of Posture and Chiropractic

Posture Pooler GA Back Pain

“As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.” Have you ever wondered how life imitates nature? As I sit in my office and think ahead to the spring season, I look at one of my favorite quotes by Alexander Pope placed on a beautiful picture of a Bonsai tree. From there I sit and visualize its ...


Marathon Shoppers Guide To A Pain-Free Season

Neck Pain Pooler GA Shoppers Guide

Can you hear the holiday songs playing? Of course, that's because the holidays are until after January! However, with this season's good cheer, holiday stress may lead to tears, neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches. The combination of the wrong food, too much alcohol, late nights, rushing around carrying heavy bags, and, let’s face it, family ...


Understanding Over The Counter Pain Relief

Pain Relief Pooler GA Medication

The word on the streets is that the most abused drugs these days are found not being creatively cooked or grown, but bought over the counter at pharmacies near you. The medications that are most often misused are not for recreational use but the reduction of back pain, neck pain and headaches. That same pain is ...


Installing Health

Installing Health Pooler GA

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Serving All Your Health Care Needs...Naturally!

Advanced Alternative Medicine Center
138 Canal Street, Suite 404
Pooler, GA 31322

Phone: 845-561-2225
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Mon7:30am - 12:00pm2:30pm - 7:00pm
Tue9:00am - 12:00pmBy Appointment Only
WedClosedBy Appointment Only
Thu7:30am - 12:00pm2:30pm - 7:00pm
Fri7:30am - 12:00pm2:30pm - 7:00pm
Sat7:30am - 12:00pmClosed
Advanced Alternative Medicine Center